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Workout Without Weights

How to workout without weights or equipment

There are many advantages of working out without using any weights or any machines. Not only will you be able to train without going to a gym and end up waiting for a machine or a free weight if you train when it's a busy time. But you will get the enormous results of body awareness working with your own bodyweight.

There are many different bodyweight exercises that you can perform and the list could be endless going from plyometrics to isometrics. This article is going to concentrate on the basics which are more than likely something that anyone reading this article has done before at some time or another.

The great thing about training at home without spending any money on buying equipment is that you can constantly improve. If you get to a point in your bodyweight training that you are not getting any fitter or not putting on any muscle then you need to change something.

The basic outline for a workout without weights is made up of eight different exercises. The movements are divided into four lower body movement patterns (Squat, Lunge, Step Up, Toe Raise) and four upper body patterns (Dips, Pull-ups/Chins, Elevated push-ups, Situps).

It is easy to create a simple circuit using the above example of bodyweight exercises. That way that you combine these will depend on your own specific objective. For example if your objective is to increase your cardio fitness and/or lose fat then you could add jumping jacks or run 100 meters between each exercise.

Changing the movement and concentrating on a different body-part is easy to do. For example there are dozens of different push-up exercises that you could do that range from triceps pushups to a wide stretch or long arm pushup which train a different area of your upper body.

But the same can be said for the lower body variations that you can do at home without lifting any weights. Things like plyometrics and sprints have proven themselves to increase the muscle mass on your lower body without adding any weight.

The variation of static contraction, isometrics and a few other techniques are only some of the variations that can be added to improve your results from training without weights. The point is that any objective can be achieved when training only with your bodyweight.

It should be added that the benefits that you get from only training with your own bodyweight is something that will dramatically improve your self-awareness of your own body.

In my book "The Muscle Experiment" I talk about how I was able to put on a solid 39lbs of solid muscle in less than 6 months with bodyweight training, and exactly how YOU can do it as well. In case you haven't downloaded The Muscle Experiment, I suggest you download it immediately and start implementing the little known techniques. This alone should put you on the road to massive size and strength.

To your success,

Mike Thiga

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